Future Land Use

The land use information, recommendations, and strategies contained in Plan 2040 are intended to provide guidance for the location and intensity of land uses to support Chatham County and the City of Savannah in future land use policy decisions. The Future Land Use Map (FLUM) is an additional tool intended to establish a vision for how the county should develop. It also lays out the methods for managing growth and determining the appropriateness of proposed development.

More specifically, the FLUM is intended to direct future land uses by paying attention to the interconnected elements of community character, development patterns, transportation infrastructure, equity, and natural resources. The FLUM serves to give direction for zoning decisions through specific land use categories for unincorporated Chatham County and the city of Savannah with the goal of furthering consistent uses and character. The FLUM contains land use patterns and overlay categories, which visually represent the land uses that serve as a guide for future zoning and development policy decisions. Interpretation of the FLUM should be considered along with all zoning requests, local policy reviews, recommendations, and decisions when policymakers consider land development questions or requests.

Currently, the MPC is evaluating specific corridors and areas of future growth to determine the best land use for the area. As the evaluation process continues, the MPC will be posting the proposed changes for the general public to view and comment on. Additionally, upon completion on the initial FLUM evaluation, the MPC will host a public meeting(s) where the general public can provide feedback. All information on the process will be located on this website. A pdf of the current FLUM can be found on page 189 of Plan 2040.

A more interactive FLUM can be accessed on the Future Land Use layer of the SAGIS Property Map Viewer here or by clicking on the image below.